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Information for Medical Organizations
How do I verify a physician's Board Certification?
The American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO) is the primary resource for verifying that an ophthalmologist is Board Certified. If you do not require written verification, you can find out whether an ophthalmologist is certified by the ABO by utilizing one of the following methods:
- Search for them via the ABO website by clicking the "Verify a Physician" tab at the top of the page.
- Call the American Board of Ophthalmology at 610-664-1175.
- Use the ABMS website to verify the certification of any medical specialist certified by one of the 24 medical specialty boards or call 1-866-ASK-ABMS (275-2267).
- Refer to the publication The Official American Board of Medical Specialties Directory of Board Certified Medical Specialists (ABMS). This publication of Marquis Who's Who can be found in regional, main or medical libraries.
Formal Verification of a Physician's Board Certification
If you require formal written verification of a physician's certification, please submit a written request to the ABO. Your request must include the physician's name and a check in the amount of $50 made payable to the American Board of Ophthalmology.
How can I find out an ophthalmologist's status with the ABO?
The only information the ABO will divulge is whether a physician is or is not certified or recertified. Inquiries to the ABO by outside agencies about the certification status of physicians who have inactive applications or who hold lapsed certificates will be answered by stating that said physician is not certified. The ABO charges a $50 fee for each formal verification of a physician's certification.
Do you have "Guidelines for Staff Privileges"?
No, the ABO is solely a certifying body and, as such, does not have guidelines for staff privileges.
What are the educational requirements for a physician to become Board Certified?
Certification by the ABO is a voluntary process, and is the last step in a long and intensive educational experience designed to verify essential competencies in ophthalmology. Please refer to the Board's requirements for certification. After successfully completing these requirements, candidates must pass two examinations: a written examination and an oral examination.
What are the future dates of exams and deadlines for applications?
See our list of examination dates and deadlines for: