Leadership, Volunteers, and Staff
The American Board of Ophthalmology is led by Mayo Clinic oculoplastic surgeon George B. Bartley, MD, who serves as the organization's Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Bartley achieved board certification in 1986 and actively participates in the Continuing Certification program.
Members of the Board of Directors are leaders in ophthalmology who possess specific clinical or subspecialty expertise and reflect the diversity of the ophthalmic community. Two public directors represent the public interest. All physician directors are active in clinical practice; most have prior experience with ABO examinations and/or exam development. Physician directors also participate in Continuing Certification. Board Directors are chosen for a four-year term which may be renewed for an additional four years.
Liaisons help coordinate efforts that support the collaborative, two-way relationship the ABO has with subspecialty societies and organizations in ophthalmology.
To develop content and administer examinations, the ABO relies on subject matter expert volunteers from within the profession of ophthalmology who give of their time and expertise to serve as Examiners, item writers, and content development panelists.
The professional staff of the American Board of Ophthalmology comprises a Chief Executive Officer and 11 full-time employees.
Governance Documents
You may also find these governance and operational documents helpful for review: